Friday, December 19, 2008

My Kind of Workout Video

It's that time of year again. As December 31 quickly approaches, and I contemplate another year beginning, I'm already in resolutionland. You know, that place where all things are possible, with dedication, hard work, and no alcohol? Yep. It's baaaa-acck.

This year (as with many years past) I have a vague and fuzzy idea of what I'd like to look like come December 31, 2009. It involves a designer blue dress, platinum blonde hair and some nice new heels, and, of course, somewhere in the background is a tall, kind gentleman hanging around.... To get there (the dress part, not the man), I'll need to do that whole eat less and exercise more thing. Right?

Right. one said I had to start today, did they? Because I don't think tonight's feast will help get me to goal, but it does allow me to share one of my favorite recipes: Go here for the best stovetop mac and cheese on the planet - courtesy of Cooking Light. To make it even lighter, I skip the condensed milk, substitute whatever whole grain/muffin I have in the fridge, and use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray on the crumbs. (See, I know how to cut fat and calories!)

Anyway, apart from that digression, the key for me is always finding the motivation to get in a workout. Given my current "Leisure Tour" status, I've got lots of time on my hands, so that's no excuse.

I contemplated going back to the gym, and renewing my membership there. On the one hand, they have classes every night, and day, and I could easily spend four hours wandering around every day, getting buff.

On the other hand, the last time I tried a class, I found myself doing a Downward Dog while trying to hold onto my Upward Tank Top while my Expanding Girth demonstrated itself to all of Ashland Avenue during rush hour. Let's just say I wasn't exactly graceful. Nix that idea.

And I do run most weekends with my running group, training for one race or another. If I commit to doing my mid-week runs with them, I should actually be prepared for the next race I run....

But the question remains, how do I make fitness a 6 day a week commitment? Because that's what it takes to make a new habit, right? Well, today, I found found a secret weapon.

You've seen them on TV. You've watched them whip fattys into shape for 7 seasons. You've wondered if what they do is legal. Now, they're in my living room.

Yes, that's right. Bob, and Jillian - trainers from The Biggest Loser - have come to kick my ass. Tonight, while browswing at Target, my friend spotted the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt cardio torture DVD. And I bought it.

I came right home, whipped up a batch of heart attack Mac, and watched what Jillian did to the first group of trainees.

Bartender? Oh Bartender???

First, the video takes away any excuse I might have, by putting LOTS of overweight people in the room. Like, former Biggest-Loser contestants who are certainly not fattys anymore. (I know, I had to look them up after the one girl, who looked to be about my size in four months, caught my attention). And what's better - the backup chorus of workout fattys - they TOTALLY suck it up on this video! They hold their dumbells the wrong way, they do the exercises wrong half the time - all sorts of stuff that I would absolutely do in any class I attended. In short, they look like born again gym virgins - like they've sort of been through this before, but they need a little help with...well, you get the idea. Sure, there was a time when I was pretty faithful to my old friend the YMCA weight bench, but that's been about 5 years now, and I need some instruction without the harsh glare of new-years hardbodies with much cuter outfits than mine.

So the good news about the video: I felt right at home!!! These are my people!!! The only difference is that they DO seem to be able to jump from a plank position to a standing sun salutation, which I could not do unless threatened with a hot poker. But that will apparently come with time.

In support of my new obsession, I've taken the calendar that my friend gave me with the gorgeous pictures of her son E, and I'm marking down JAK days (short for Jillian Ass Kicking), interspersed with the run training I'll have leading up to the half marathon in January. My goal is to complete weeks 1-4 without throwing up or giving in. I'll report back out in 4 weeks and let you know how that's going...

But for now, I'll just be excited that I get to find a new way to workout - without the audience, the pressure, or, god forbid, the passing traffic of Ashland Avenue. Ruby might be proud of my modesty, but I suspect she'd be even more proud that I was tryin again....


Anonymous said...

Sallie, I seriously think that you need to give this writing gig a real attempt. You've got the totally laugh out loud funny and intelligent with good plot structure down pat--I just have to say that the world could use another strong, sane, compassionate yet subtly sarcastic voice for our generation and I nominate you! (btw - the bostonians are kristin & rob, note to self to update account!)

Sallie said...

Thank you SOOOO much for the read (and the nice things to say :)). I am having a ball and hope to remain funny enouh to keep an audience!

I'll try to keep you laughing!!
