Monday, April 20, 2009


I think there should be a new Olympic event added to the next games.

Distractathon (n.)
Competitors will select from a series of events to distract them from everyday life. Including Watching Useless Television, Talking To Yourself, Cleaning The Kitchen, Analyzing Your Checkbook, and Catching Up On Junk Mail, participants will attempt to avoid all "real" responsibilities by using these Distracting Events. The winner will be the person who successfully avoids performing any real life work for a period exceeding 2 days.

Clearly, this is an endurance event. But I think that perhaps I'd win.

So what distracts you from thinking (or managing) everyday life? Is it the garden? Cooking a new recipe? Catching up on the neighborhood gossip? Admit it - you've got a "go to" for avoiding life - we all do.

And while it doesn't necessarily amount to an Olympic sport, it DOES keep us from dealing with the things we don't want to address. I'd argue that there is a place for it - some days, you just don't want to deal, right?

But, then again, maybe there's a reason there's no Avoidance Olympics. Because if we all avoided, for this long, we most certainly would NOT be the Land of Opportunity. We'd be the Land of Empty Gas Tanks, the Land of Past-Expiration Date Refrigerator Contents, and the Land of Shoes Without Soles.

I, for one, am off to make my kitchen The Land Without Dishes.

See ya on the backside!


thehazlettfamily said...

When I want to avoid the world. I read the Other Candid Reality Shows on Television Without Pity. I can read other snark about my favorite show and if I feel especially snarky, I join in.

Kelli said...

Does reading your blog count?? That's what I'm doing right NOW to avoid reality, and enjoying myself immensely.