Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Soundtrack of Your Life

Generally speaking, I'm not a fan of bubblegum pop music. I'll admit it - I like the harder stuff sometimes - The Killers, Pearl Jam, Great Big Sea, and even an occasional Neil Diamond song - but rarely do I throw down with something as distatestful as Fergie.

And yet, she sings the song that makes me strut down ice-filled streets, tossing my soccer mom hair and swinging my expensive purse over my shoulder. That song? Yes, you know it -G-L-A-M...O-R-OUS....

"I'm flyin first class, up in the sky, sipping champagne, living the the fast lane...I'm Glamorous...Glamorous (flossy, flossy? what is flossy, flossy, anyhow????)"

Setting aside the horrific grammar, and the fact that I have no clue what "flossy, flossy" means, it's mostly the beat that I love. Because, let's be real - I have flown first class occasionally, but it was ONLY on a points upgrade OR where the seat cost me $20. Oh, and there was that one trip home from Paris (thanks, Liz and Mom for losing your clothes for the whole trip!!!) So it's not the "living the life" part that I enjoy about the song. In fact, it's what the song does for me, courtesy of Tim Gunn, that I enjoy.

You see, Tim Gunn is a Guru (Capital G). An early fan of "What Not To Wear" - the British Version - I caught Tim's show last year (check it out here: In addition to remaking a woman's wardrobe, in 60 minutes, he also re-engineers self-esteem for the makeover victim - and had a great little tip I still carry.

Oh stop laughing over there. Yes, even I occasionally need a little bump in this department (somewhere, my sister is reading this and rolling her eyes.) In any case, Tim recommends that every woman have their own personal soundtrack to rock to as you roll through life.

Note that The Soundtrack differs from the Theme Song, the Power Song, or the Power Ballad. (Personally, those would be Shut Up and Sing, Beautiful Day, and - oh hell, what's my Power Ballad? Doesn't that require a relationship in this decade?)

Anyway, The Soundtrack is meant to do one thing, and one thing only: provide the music inside your head when you're streetwalkin. (Not THAT kind of streetwalkin.) For example, when you're on your way to that meeting you don't want to go to, or the train you don't want to catch, or the date you cannot BELIEVE you are on time for - you need a little motivation, you cue up The Soundtrack. You don't think it works? Get up, walk out of that cube, and put the most butt-kicking song in your head. Now go to the door of the person in your office you just can't stand. Tell me that's not easier with The Soundtrack in the background. I swear, it's better than the Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak. In one moment, you become unimpeachable (unless you're Rod Blagoyovich).

Everyone needs their own soundtrack. Me, I'm a Glamorous girl. It works for me. I can't say what will work for you, but you should give it a shot. And while I don't know what Ruby's Soundtrack might have been, I do know that my mother's begins and ends with some Aretha Franklin. My bet would be on R-E-S-P-E-C-T...Find out what it means to me....!

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