Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Ho Ho Wagon

Okay, it's resolution time. We've talked about this before (well, I have.) It's a new year. All things are possible. All things are waiting for you. Oprah says you can be happy with yourself, and therefore YOU CAN.

So I'm taking a page from the last year, and I'm channeling my inner Democrat, my inner Oprah fan, my inner fat girl, and I am kicking some fat bootay.

Well, starting tomorrow.

((There was still Pizza left in my freezer. I couldn't throw it away! I'm being frugal!!!))

So I sort of started today with The New Me. I did laundry (some of it). I cleaned my kitchen (some of it). And I posted inspirational notes all over my home (some of it).

"Yes you can!!" yells at me from on top of my television. On the way out my front door. In front of my refrigerator. On the spice shelf. In my cooking pantry. On my bedroom mirror. Above my scale. On my bathroom mirror. And on my full-length mirror (ew - the one I currently avoid like the scary puddle in the subway.)

Actually, they don't all say "Yes You Can!" Some of them say "Uh huh - you!". Or "Whatchyou talkin 'bout, Willis?" (Okay, I made that one up.)

But, inspired by one of my cousins (who shall remain nameless but who called me yesterday with tales of selective grocery purchasing and cabinet purging) I am down to my last bag of cookies in the cabinet, and my last excuse for not doing anything to this flabby but.

So I'm not going to be all cliche and create a bad New Year's Resolution. Instead, I'm just going to, in the words of that famous Weightwatcher Jeanine Garafolo, "work the program". If I can write 250 words a day here, how hard can writing down what I eat be??? Really? It can't be that bad....

Check back with me in a week and see if I've fallen off the Ho Ho wagon. I'll let you know how it's going...



Anonymous said...

Volunteering at your local shelter sounds like a good idea; or perhpas you could "dog sit" for someone. That would be better than getting a lab that probably already has "big feet." Have to keep on eye on those pets - once had a beagle that got out of the house and wound up in the shoe department (smart dog) at McAlpins.

Your couch & neighbors will thank you.

Sallie said...

A very good idea - I think the shelter would appreciate it much! And a beagle at McAlpins? Why am I picturing it in the Linen department (when it used to be on the low side of the store?) :)